Friday, December 21, 2012


           When I first made the decision about taking a sociology class I didn't know what I was signing up for. I didn't know what the subject was about, I didn't know weather or not I was going to have a great professor or a boring one, I didn't know what was the class about period. On the first day of class that's when I found out all about sociology the systematic study of the relationship between individuals and society. That when I realized that this class was going to change my entire outlook on life itself, I was very happy i choose this class. Not only choosing the class was a great opportunity but also professor Applewhite was a great teacher.
            I learned that we are who we are not because of ourselves but because of the people around us. A lot of people go around saying that they are independent and they are the reason why they act, dress, talk the way they do. Taking this class I realized that their are so many thing that we do that we didn't just picked up ourselves but we were taught to do it. For example, my mom always taught me to take off my shoes whenever I go in our house or anyone else's home. One day I went to my friend house and immediately I took off my shoes without anyone telling me and i didn't even think twice about it. Our society determines the  people we brought up to be. Our parents, teachers, bosses, professors, friends and families. Our social norms plays a gigantic part in who we are.
             Sociology has taught me that I should look at my own situations alone but to broaden my territory and expand my circle with the whole world instead of just myself. Other cultures, races and classes have different values, beliefs, norms, mores, structure, functions, power, etc. Until we stop and understand what goes around us we will never fully understand the world. What might be normal for me and where I currently live might not be the same for someone else living in another part of the world and unless get educated on things that are not only in our interest.
             I really liked this class, I didn't really say much in class only because I was just observing what was being taught. The energy in the classroom was very high and everyone was eager to state their own opinion and views on each topic we discuss. I just feel like whatever I was taught in this class I would be able to use it for the rest of my life. Most of my other class I can not say the same. The time flew by so fast in the class because we were just into whatever was going on. I would recommend this class to anyone whose taking college classes. I also enjoyed making my own blog, I see myself using it in the future as well.

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