Tuesday, December 11, 2012

PEOPLE LIKE US: social class in America

     This video started off with two pictures, one with an middle aged man in his pants and shirt, hes in front of his house, with a shade in front of the door and immediately people in the video are stating that he is lower class or working class. Another picture came up right after that one was a couple well dressed and was at, what seems to be a studio of some sort that takes out professional picture. A person in the background of the video said that "Oh they're definitely upper class" he went on to saying that the man looked like he inherited his money from his parents and now lives a worry free life with his wealthy wife. Its a wonderful thing that humans could just look at other humans and figure out what class they belong to, just by how they look. This just goes to show how we were brought up, we know what right and what wrong and we also know whose rich and whose poor.
    Joe Queenan, an author in the video said that parents wanted their children to go to private school to avoid race and gender, now they send them to private schools to avoid poor people. They want their children to get into great schools and that can all be done by the right amount of money. In order to figure what what a person's class is you have to know what they surround themselves with, it could be how big your house is, what you use to cook your food with and what utensils you use to eat with. Even knowing another language is a privilege to the upper class because the working class is out working but the upper class as time and money to spend in learning different things. Queenan says that the difference between upper and working class store are when you go into a Walmart you are able to identify whatever you see, but in an upper class store you would see things that you didn't know anything about. Having money is the ability to shape ones life style only if it goes with the norms of that particular class. But even than you don't have the ability to be free because you have to live up to other's expectations, you have to be sure you wear and have the right things.
     Giene Polo Sayles said that she didn't like how social class made people feel, a sense of limitation, less than, ignorant eliminated by just a class. She married a millionaire and now is a consultant to others. Sayles goes on to say that for you to attract certain people you have to look a certain way, talk, walk, speak, all in a certain way. You must know never to be intimidated because that the way poor people act. She took a working class woman and did a makeover, not only with her appearance but with the way she acts. According to the American dream everyone can move up but it takes alot of effort and it can be very tricky. Dan Rodricks stated that blue calour people like to put lawn ornaments on their lawns and to other white coalour people they find things like that tacky.
       Its all about material things in my popint of view. I mean, yeah the big house and the brand new car can be a wonderful thing but who are we trying to please ourselves or others. Some people I know have no self vaule over their own lives, jsut because others tell them that they should do this or say that, they run and do it jsut to please others. I would never live my life like that, I will always try to make myself happy and satisfie my need. People need to put themselves before others and stop wasting their times trying to make others happy. Many people in this world are so called upper class but they are not happy, not even money can bring happiness and I feel like people forget about that all the time.


  1. AFter reading your blog i agree with what you said how it is all about meterial things. Poeple assume what class they fall under based on tangiable goods. People may not know they background and never know if that poor looking person really just likes wearing plain clothes nothing fancey and good have a nice ban account and a good paying job. I honestly think we are no one to judge but it happens. I also think its true with what you said about how people should put themselves then putting others bbefore them. People buy things just to show it off or cause attention yea its nice but it cause stress and disappointment which isnt healthy. Nice blog =)

  2. i agree with you when yous said "Its a wonderful thing that humans could just look at other humans and figure out what class they belong to, just by how they look" most people assume they can figure out others just by the way they look when they don't know the real truth behind the way they look

  3. you're are right and i find your post very interesting. It's crazy that people really do have social group i use to always think everyone was in the same group only some where richer like the president and movie stars . but i was wrong you post was very clear
