Monday, December 10, 2012


Positive functions of the undeserving 
Poor: uses of underclass in America 
By Herbert J Gans 

Poverty is analyzed as cause which can be studied in terms of functions, these functions can be positive and negative depending on their nature, people and interest affected. The poor class are mostly involved in activities which threaten their safety, failing to work, bearing children at a young age and being dependent on welfare. Judgement of the poor are not based on evidence, but derive from a stereotype. Gans discussed five positive functions, they are microsocial, economic, normative-cultural, political and macrosocial. Two microsocial function are risk reduction and scapegoating and displacing. Three economic functions are economic banishment and the reserve army, supplying illegal goods and job creation. Three normative functions are moral legitimation, norm reinforcement and supplying popular culture villains. Three political functions are institutional scapegoating, conservative power shifting and spatial purification. Lastly, two macrosocial function are reproduction of stigma and the stigmatized and extermination of surplus. Changes need tone made in America, in society in our everyday norms. We need to look at situations from not only our point of view but from the worlds view. 


  1. I agree with you that we need to change. I do not agree with his view article.Good is not that they do not have and are for the rich people that should be for these poor people have good aspects.

  2. nice summary of alot of the different functions. i especially liked your statement on how the judgement of the poor is based off of a sterotype. overall good information. That being said, try not to make it like a list like boom boom boom. transitional words make it easier to read.
