Monday, November 19, 2012

Chapter 8

      It's amazing to me that we still have this problem in our society. Racial segregation has been an issue as long as I can remember. I've been thought about this since I was in elementary and somehow we still see it around us to this day. If someone said to you that there was a robbery at a corner store, the person had on baggy pants boxers showing, they had on a sweater with the hoodie over their head and sneakers on their feet. Is the person your imagining black or white. We have so many issues going on in this world we live in and I don't know when this particular one will change.  
      In the article "Race and class in the American criminal justice system"  David Cole says that our criminal justice system affirmatively depends on inequality. In this article he uses the O.J Simpson case in Los Angeles where Simpson was convicted of a double murder of his ex wife and her friend. There were two groups of students in the court room observing the case. One group of students were white and the other  was black, when Simpson was found not guilty the white group of students were very socked and the black group of students were happy and cheerful clapping for joy at what had happened. They weren't clapping and cheerful because of the winning of the case but because they had thought that the justice system was unfair to the African American race. But then the issue of class came in. 
     Cole thought that if Simpson didn't have the amount of money he had to get a well experienced educated lawyer than he would've been in jail to this day. He also said that a a defendant who cannot afford a lawyer one is provided for them but a wealthy person who could afford a lawyer would never in their live hire the lawyer that was used by an unwealthy person. The lawyers provided by the state are over worked and under paid, they aren't even hire by people who could afford lawyers which seem really unfair to the lawyers themselves and also to defendants who cannot get their own lawyers. 
      This is where class and race plays a huge part our society. We can be the nicest person with the most education you could ever think of but if you don't have money and don't have the right skin color you can't get no where in life. Some people have to work much harder than others to make half of what the wealthy is earning. It is sad to say but, so many people die because they don't have insurance or money to pay for their medication but the wealthy can just pay their way to getting strong and healthy. Don't get me wrong, I know some people work their butts of to get where they are in life but I'm talking about the ones who inherit their wealth and just glide through life without any cares and worries, thinking that the whole world is just at their fingertips. 


  1. i agree with your opening statement on how it is shocking to see how we still have the problem of racial segregation in our society.i also agree with you when you say if you don't money and the right skin color you can't get nowhere in life according to society. i like your blog you make some pretty interesting points..

  2. Hello Bekah,
    It is really sad that we are humans beings and are picked a part like we are cattle. I can relate to your words, By all means I'm not opposed to the wealthy, however that old money has been circulating for centuries, the richer get richer and the poor stay poor, and or have a very difficult time climbing up the cooperate ladder, some feel its so unattainable they just give up or settle to stay in the working class, in which the working class is what keeps the rich.. rich.
    Its unfortunate minorities are treated unfair within a society, I feel we have to push harder and defeat the norms that society has placed against the less fortunate and strive harder towards our achieved status etc... a lot of us may not have money, and inherit wealth however we are rich in many other ways.

  3. I am quite amazed by the way you summarize and compose the article, even adding some quite interested points how our skin color has a lot to do with us, as we a judge accordingly and how certain economic resource aren't available to us because we stereotypically associated with racial minority.

  4. I like how you mention the example from the article where Simpson was found not guilty and all the white people looked surprise unlike the black people that were celebrating and it made a big deal. Also I like how you summarize in your own words and how people judge others by the skin color, you can be the nicest person but if you dress bad people, eventually would judge you. That's our society and we used to that.

  5. yeah for sure, i liked your post alot. the public defendants that are hired are a joke in most cases. without money for a decent lawyer, alot of people go to jail that really would have had a chance to be aquitted otherwise. good post
