When I looked at a man it never occurred to be how difficult they had it in life. They had to be the strong and dominate one. They were taught by their fathers not to cry or not to show their feeling but just to " be a man". Any slight chance of showing weakness would be a disgrace to them or their father. Tony Porter, the main speakers in "A call to men" spoke about how men where taught to be strong, stuff , no pain no emotions with the expectation of anger. He discuss a demonstration he called the man box which was so discussing and disturbing. He even said that when his daughter would come to him crying he would baby her up, but when his son came to him crying he just gave 30 seconds to collect himself and be a man about the situation and talk to him like a man. One heart breaking story he told was that when his brother died his father didn't even what to cry in front of the ladies of the family. And while his father was crying he was apologizing to him for crying. That was just upsetting to be to know that men are embarrassed to cry in public.
After seeing "Killing Us Softy" by Jean Kilbourne I concluded that women equals sex. Women were just objects, sex slaves. Women had to look a certain way, dress a certain way, think a certain way. Kilbourne talks about the ads around us that advertises women a certain way which has a lot of effect on women themselves. Fashion magazines models keep getting thinner and thinner, some of them even have to retouch some photos to make them look like they have some fat. She goes on to say that women now thinks that looking like little girls is the new sexy. This having them wearing little dresses and degrading them to a lower level. These different advertisements go on to say that women shouldn't eat, or gain weight but she must always be on diets to make herself feel good.
I can not believe how our society has come to this. We should let people be who they want to be. People in magazines don't even look the way they look in the magazines. When women look at these magazines they feel ugly and can never look like models. I'm glad that our society is kind of coming back to their senses and letting people be who they want to be without any judgement.
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