Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Body Ritual Among the Nacirema and Chapter Two

There are so many people around the world and they have different ways of living. What might seem normal for them may be disturbing for us or what makes sense to us can be confusing to them. Horace Miner did a research article about the culture of Nacirema and educated us with their way of living. They use magical materials to cure their sickness and they preform rituals for every single thing they do. The Nacirema culture is obsessed with their mouths, so they try to keep it as clean as possible and they also preform rites on the month.
They say that the month is the key to all social interaction and relationships, so if there was something wrong with your month they believe that you would not have any friends or companionship. This is kind of their socolgy among their own soceity. I believe that this research paper followed every single one of the qualifications of a well written research paper. Looking through chapter two I see the elements of social science reseach, where in this culture used the different magical charms to worship as well as heal them from any pain or desieaes. 
This article was well explained and well thought out, there was no way in the article where I was confused because everything was well written. The methods of collecting data was excellent, in the article there were different words that had to be translated in english and it was done. Many questions were answered, there was a fair amount of interview that were very helpful to the article. Horace Miner was witnessing rituals which was like looking at experiments taking place because sometime the elders of the culture will preform rituals but don't know the outcome of it. I enjoyed reading and learning about another culture and also reading an amazing research aricle.

The Stanford Experiment "Prison Life"

Many sociologists collect a number of data from different experiments they conduct. When I saw the video "The Stanford Experiment" it amazed me on how real an experiment can be. Without thinking about it, our minds can make us believe that we are in a prison cell for eternity when it's only a two week paid experiment. In the summer of 1971, we saw this take place where college students were paid to do an experiment where they would be in a prison like environment for two weeks but only lasted for sx days. Philip Zimbardo was the head of the experiment and was also the head guard. it was such an wonderful thing to see that each and everyone in the experiment got carried away with the position they were assigned to. Even the prisoners were convinced that they were real prisoners and they were going to stay in their cells for a long time. All of the students knew that this was an experiment, they were even getting paid $15 a day but they got to drawn to their fictional characters. Philips Zimbardo himself confessed that he didn't feel like this experiment at all but he thought it was real life, that is why they had to cut the experiment short. This just shows that it does not matter where you are or what you are doing, but if you're in an enviroment where you see one thing like being surrounded by bars and having people tell you that what your seeing is true, like the guards telling the prisoners that they weren't coming out the prisons for a while, than your mind will lead you to believe that what you're seeing and what you're hearing is absolutely true. This is why we have to be very careful about how we operate our experiments.


Hello my name is Rebekah and I'm twenty years old. I'm currently attending BMCC and I’m majoring in Liberal Arts. I graduated high school two years ago when I was 18 and started BMCC the fall of 2010. When I started BMCC I was going into the medical field but later down the road realized that the medical field was not for me. On the other hand, I am a worship leader at the church I’ve been attending for the past ten years. I also work in the Sunday school department with young children teaching them the bible and so on. I created this blog because it’s a requirement of my sociology class. I am not really into computers and social networking but so far it’s a good experience. My short term gold in my life is to get my associates degree in Liberal Arts and graduate from BMCC. I feel that my purpose in life is to help people in one way or the other, I’m not sure what that is right now but I know it has to do with helping people.